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Swaps and Credit Derivatives Market Practices

From time to time, EMTA recognizes certain conventions for the trading of Emerging Markets instruments. These conventions, known as Market Practices, are generally formulated, normally in close consultation with one or more of its Working Groups, in response to a request by market participants for trading practices that will be well-understood and generally accepted by the marketplace, in the interests of promoting greater efficiency, transparency and/or liquidity.

Following a careful review of the applicable issues and circumstances and a polling of market participants, EMTA develops and distributes each proposed Market Practice as far in advance of its intended effective date as is practicable. Following a period of review and consultation, Market Practices are then formally recognized by EMTA and recommended to the marketplace, assuming that a sufficient consensus of market participants is established. If such a consensus does not emerge, the proposed Market Practice is modified or, in some cases, specifically re-designed to permit market participants to elect between clearly defined alternatives.

8. Recommended EMTA-ISDA Market Practice on Incorporation of SOFR as a Risk-Free Rate into Latin American Currency Non-Deliverable Cross Currency Swap Transactions dated January 4, 2022.

7. Recommended ISDA Market Practice for Coupon Standardization on Asia CDS Contracts dated December 17, 2009 and effective December 21, 2009. 

6. Recommended EMTA ISDA Market Practice for Changes to Coupon Standardization on EM CDS Contracts dated September 11, 2009 and effective September 21, 2009. 

5. Recommended EMTA ISDA Market Practice for Coupon Standardization on EM CDS Contracts dated July 13, 2009 and effective September 20, 2009. 

4. Recommended EMTA ISDA Market Practice on Non-Deliverable CLP Camara Interest Rate Swap Transactions dated July 21, 2009.  

3. Recommended EMTA ISDA Market Practice for Quarterly Rolls on EM CDS Contracts dated June 1, 2009 and effective June 22, 2009. 

2. Recommended EMTA ISDA Market Practice on Relevant Cities for Business Days for Payment Dates in Non-Deliverable Interest Rate/Cross Currency Swap Transactions dated March 13, 2009. 

1. Recommended EMTA ISDA Market Practice for BRL CDI Non-Deliverable Interest Rate Swap Transactions amended March 13, 2009.